A Murder...

Yes, it's true - one of our chickens has been murdered by Felix the Fox. I blame Steve - we had a 6 ft snowdrift against the fence for 3 weeks and he said he would dig it out. Felix did give us the courtesy of 3 weeks before stepping over it and stealing a hen from the coop. Needless to say that, like the chicken, the snowdrift is no more.

Poor chickens, this is the 3rd that we have lost to foxes/ raccoons in 2 years. Only 2 chickens were witness to the double homicides, however. That should read avicide, seeing as it is the killing of birds...I still think Steve holds the record for the most birds killed...as soon as they stop laying, he's on it...and he's scored up 3 roosters and 3 hens so far.

For those of you interested, my Mum is doing really well. The physician told her that her scar looks 12 months old rather than nearly 2 months. She's lost a lot of weight though - she's about a Size 8 I'd guess. She now also had 'drop foot' which means she's upset her sciatic nerve somewhere along the line, so she's getting more tests done.

Dad has been well for some time now - although he must rattle if you were to shake him, he takes so many pills.

I'm frustrated at the moment as over the past 2 weeks I've had to nag Sam constantly to study. I don't do nagging normally, so it's putting me in an uncomfortable position. I've helped him draw up a timetable and I've offered to test him...but he's being bloody lazy. He's used to sailing through all his school stuff, but I suspect these February exams will be a BIG wake up call...so, I decided at the weekend that he was in charge and removed myself from nagging duty...if he fails, it's his fault and I accept no responsibility.

I am damn sure my Mum didn't do all this bullsh*t for me...I don't remember her even asking about homework/ exams...perhaps we are just the guilt/ push generation...and we overthink everything to do with our kids...at least I know I do...

Note to self - stop interfering

Yeah right...like that's going to happen.

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