Lesbian New Year

...well, Lebanese, but close, eh?

We went to the Lebanese New Year on Saturday, we were amongst esteemed guests including the Premier (a very prominent Lesbian) and Lieutenant Governor (not a lesbian that I know of.) Neither of them danced..or Debkie'd in Lebanese...which is mind-numbingly dancing in a circle to endlessly repeated horrendous music...not my cup of tea, but I know now not to go again. It was like a Greek night without the really good food and a sense of cool - no tables in the teeth either. Nevermind!

It's officially a timewarp - when the western music came on it was Abba, YMCA, Jive Bunny, Grease and Sweet Home Alabama...all the crowd pleasers for the over 60s...! Never mind...!

So, the big news is that we are coming over to the UK on 6th May for a vacation. I booked it today and we are very excited! I'm so looking forward to that Holland's Meat Pie from the Sun Lok chippy smothered in Curry...yeah baby...

Oh yeah, and it'll be nice to see you all aswell ;-) especially Tarty's new babe x

PS...Pass the slim fast...16 weeks to get into shape...Big Club on the 16th!

PPS Just for Alison - here's another piccie of me with the brunette look...
PPPS...Storm tomorrow...never mind! :-)

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