Did I say chilly?

Last night was -39...yes, that does exist...but we don't generally see it. We have a frostbite warning in effect...!

It's bizarre - you walk out of the house and your breath gets taken away and it feels like your throat gets covered in frost...your nostrils freeze and seal together in minutes...VERY attractive!

I keep suggesting the beach to the boys, but so far they have refused...probably knowing this is the reason why I ask! We have to be careful that the animals don't get frostbite too. The chickens have a heat lamp, so are getting a tan and the cat/ dog don't stay out longer than is necessary to do their deed.

It is bloody beautiful though - I haven't seen a cloud in days and the stars are well, out of this world. Its like a white sky there are so many...and so with the stars and the snow it is almost light at night.

We had an armed (knife) robbery in the island capital, Charlottetown, the other night. The guy was arrested 2 hours later in a bar - spending his ill gotten gains on dirty beer...he'd stole $100 from the convenience store, been captured on CCTV and then gone to the nearest boozer...I guess he was just thirsty and penniless. What can I say? We're in the midst of a crime wave!

Keep warm!

PS Mum is doing ok - just steadily getting better

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