The Big Dig & an April Fool

On Monday we thought April Fool's Day had come early...we woke up to snow and then more snow and so on until we had the highest snowfall this year...Spring on the way *April Fool*...!!

The kids had another 2 snow days and so began the 'Big Dig'...

I've come to the conclusion we need a different entrance way to the chickens...the last 2 snow storms have left a 6ft x 6ft snowdrift deposited exactly in front of the chicken shed and hatch Mother Nature 'avin a larf? On Monday I was out there, Captain Scott fashion, digging away in the full winter storm...all for the love of Chickens...tsk tsk...Then to add insult to injury - the drift was back on Tuesday, so I figured the boys should get their arse into gear...and here they are...

...and you thought I was kidding...

They dressed up SAS style (this is their best soldier faces)and off they went...I followed with a camera...of course...

The drive is still blocked...but we've very sensibly parked at the end of the lane...sensible until the complete dick of a snow plower moved the snow in front of the car...a 10ft blockage no less...more digging...*sigh*...and you thought we had it good here ;-)

The chickens are now liberated and we are back to blue skies...which is nice...but I do miss working on April Fool's I did my little bit - I dressed up 2 pieces of styrofoam and made them look like kit-kats for each of the boys' lunch...inside it read April Fool

...they weren't impressed...

but you have to do your bit n'est-ce pas?

Over and Out...Digging (and Fooling) for Victory...!

PS +12 forecast for Friday...we'll see, no breath holding required...

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