It's a bit slippy

The Islander's think that 'slippy' is their own word - that no-one else uses it - they were pretty devastated when I said I grew up in Lancashire using it...and very rarely use 'slippery'...and there the conversation ended...

But it is bloody slippy, because we had 14 hours of ice rain yesterday...nice...NOT...I've waxed lyrically about ice rain before, so I won't go on now...but suffice to say that everywhere looks crystallised and beautiful and it's treacherous and dangerous. The weight of the ice has created tree carnage - Joe's swing branch has been a victim, so that will have to be moved.

These photos don't do it justice...but I've included them anyway...

There's been another death in Canoe Cove, so I'm helping the WI to cater the funeral tomorrow. It's only up the road, which is very convenient when you don't skate...

I'm desperately looking for work...but there's nowt doing at the moment - looks like I might end up in Tim Horton's serving coffee after all...! Well, there are worst jobs.

Sam survived his skiing unscathed...thank goodness...however, there was a boy in his class who broke BOTH legs...can you imagine...and this happens ALL the time on these skiing trips...don't think it would be allowed in the UK somehow...
As an aside...4000 people die every year in Canada in work & safety at work here is a bit of a joke...

Last year 21 customers died from Listeria poisoning from Cooked Meats (a very large Canadian Manufacturer) court proceedings...just the families paid off, and serious revenue loss due to low sales...a joke.

Anyway...Steve will be home soon, I need to get my arse into gear...ciao


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