
Don't you feel sorry for those poor cousins of Christmas - the days after New Year when everyone ignores that there is 5 days of Yuletide still to go? I get sad when I see the cast off Christmas Trees thrown out the doors, what was once a delight suddenly neglected and all the Christmas outside lights no longer switched on.

I was brought up to believe that January 6th was the day to take all the decorations down - not a day before or later...somehow that was deemed to be bad luck. So today was the big day, it took me 4 hours to remove & pack them back in the basement, and now there's the inevitable clean up. Oh goody...

It's like an Arctic wasteland here, the blowing snow has obscured the landscape. I've just been out to talk to the chickens - they must be really fed up, they've had 3 successive days couped up - we've dug them out every day as there's about 3 ft of snow blocking them in - bless 'em. I just gave them the last of my cranberries as a little treat - seemed to cheer them up considerably!

The boys went back to school yesterday, Sam was pleased but Joe, predictably, was not looking forward to it.

I need to finish cleaning so I suppose I should stop now. Keep safe & warm xx

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