Recycling & Tomato Soup

I don't know how much the UK has changed as regards recycling, but I suspect that it still doesn't compare to Prince Edward Island. I've heard that in the NW of England you have to divide your trash into various bins to be collected on different days of the week. PEI goes a step further. Here we have to segregate:

Newspapers/ Card
WASHED Recyclable plastic/ cans
WASHED Bottles/ Jars

Compost and Waste are every two weeks and recyclable once a month (and if you categorize anything wrong they will just leave it behind.) All the plastic bottles/ glass bottles, tetra packs and cans are taken to specialised plants where you get a refund of your deposit - remember that?? The AA man and taking the bottles back to the corner shop??

The really good news is that twice a year they collect Spring/ Fall clearout - which means that as long as you put it out on time, they'll take anything. This is the time of year that Islanders frequent other people's 'clearout' - just in case there's a bargain to be had - I kid you not!

Yesterday and today, the boys & I were waging through our bottles/ cans in the basement and have loaded up the truck for my trip to the bottling place tomorrow - such is the exciting life we lead! So tomorrow I'll be quids in - or should that be dollars in??

Mum & Dad has found a website that imports the UK products we don't see here. Today, Sam and I had Heinz Cream of Tomato early Christmas present to me from M&D. Such luxury! I daren't go on the site just in case they have Vimto - I know I'll spend my life savings having it transported from Mississauga...yes, such a place does indeed exist!

Ahead is an exciting week...I'm putting together a website for the Canoe Cove Community Association and I'm cleaning out the basement. We have 3 Advent Evenings at neighbours' houses before Sam performs his coup de gras at the Canoe Cove Schoolhouse for their Christmas Concert. He wants to play Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix and so we are re-naming it Christmas Haze. He also has his school competition - Lip Sync - on Friday for which his band have been rehearsing for months.

Joe has disappeared to Nathan's for the day, so god knows when he'll be back.

Here's some photos of the schoolhouse - it's like our tiny community hall - cute eh?

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